Friday, December 21, 2007

The Rock

Well we had a pretty good scare last weekend. Anna had a hard, quarter-sized knot come up on her leg. It was red and inflammed. I guess she overheard Pat and I say that it was "hard as a rock" so she said she swallowed a rock and it went to her leg. Anyways she was admitted to the hospital by her pediatrician for possible staph infection. The pediatric surgeon made a little incision to drain it and cultured the drainage. We spent two nights in the hospital getting IV antibiotics. The culture did not grow out staph. Thank goodness!! She still has a hard knot though. We followed up in the pediatrician's office a couple of days after being discharged and the plan is to wait for a month to see if it goes away and if it doesn't he will have the pediatric surgeon to remove it. Please pray that it goes away. It is in a very tender spot right below her groin towards the inner part of her thigh. If she has to have surgery, it will be very painful afterwards. She is doing great with it and it doesn't bother her now that the soreness has gone away. She tells people that the doctor took the rock out at the hospital.

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!


Rebekah said...

how is the rock? any better? hope so. how was christmas?

ChrisCar said...

The "rock" as we call it is shrinking, believe it or not, but still there. It doesn't bother her a bit. We had a great Christmas. The girls racked up as usual. We will have to move furniture out just to fit all the stuff they got in. Talked to Rachel this a.m. after church. She said the boys had a good X-mas too. She said it took Eli awhile to get all his gifts open. I asked them how they liked actually getting the packages open. It's CRAZY how they package toys these days. Well anyways, good to hear from you. Take care!
Love ya,

Rebekah said...

tag...check out my blog to see what I am talking about.