Friday, December 21, 2007

The Rock

Well we had a pretty good scare last weekend. Anna had a hard, quarter-sized knot come up on her leg. It was red and inflammed. I guess she overheard Pat and I say that it was "hard as a rock" so she said she swallowed a rock and it went to her leg. Anyways she was admitted to the hospital by her pediatrician for possible staph infection. The pediatric surgeon made a little incision to drain it and cultured the drainage. We spent two nights in the hospital getting IV antibiotics. The culture did not grow out staph. Thank goodness!! She still has a hard knot though. We followed up in the pediatrician's office a couple of days after being discharged and the plan is to wait for a month to see if it goes away and if it doesn't he will have the pediatric surgeon to remove it. Please pray that it goes away. It is in a very tender spot right below her groin towards the inner part of her thigh. If she has to have surgery, it will be very painful afterwards. She is doing great with it and it doesn't bother her now that the soreness has gone away. She tells people that the doctor took the rock out at the hospital.

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

X-mas Tree

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Now it is Christmas time. Fun, Fun!!! Has everyone been shopping like crazy. I have been a couple of times. I'm almost done with the girls. This is very early for me who usually waits till the last minute. The only thing is that I am hiding their gifts out in the garage and I'm losing track of what I have for them already. I am going to have to take inventory to see what each has and what else I need to get them. Maddie is getting older and hasn't asked for much. She doesn't play with toys much either (never has really.) She loves stuffed animals and I don't want to buy her more to add to the millions of stuffed animals she has already. Anna on the other hand is easy because she loves toys and plays with any thing you give her. Tonight we started decorating the Christmas tree. Only one ornament broken (pretty good I would say!!) We will finish the tree tomorrow night. Pat wants me to get some more DVDs for the camcorder so he can video the girls decorating. I just took pictures tonight.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Happy Birthday

Maddie's birthday was Friday. We took the girls to see The Bee Movie. The girls loved it. After the movies we went to Nothing to Noodles (Maddie's choice). On Saturday we had Maddie's party. We had Hannah Montana birthday cake. She had fun and got lots of surprises. Anna can not wait till her birthday now. Anna is really getting into the birthday thing. I will post b-day pics when I get them downloaded. Have a great day!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Thursday, November 1, 2007

"Frick or Freat!"

Last night Pat and I took the girls Trick or Treating after church around our neighborhood. This is the first year that Anna has gotten into it. She was so excited. We were leaving one house and she said, "Maddie, we are Fricker Freating!" They both had a blast. Maddie was brushing her teeth before bed last night and she said, " I wished we lived in a bigger neighborhood." You never know what she is going to say. Kindergarteners!!